Please, fill in the form below in order to send us your presentation proposal for WordCamp Thessaloniki 2019. If you wish, you can send us more than one proposal. Please, make sure that you have read the code of conduct for participating in a WordCamp first as well as general instructions for applying as a speaker. Our organizing team will try to contact you shortly.
The call for speakers of WordCamp Thessaloniki will expire on September 2nd 2019. All submissions will be considered and answered by September 4th 2019, regardless whether they are accepted or not.
What we seek:
People who love their work and carry it out with care and craftsmanship, experienced individuals who possess a deep knowledge of their field, and finally, those who have a knack for public speaking. We just seek people who can tell a beautiful story!
Examples of the themes we seek are (non exclusively):
- The basics (for novices and professionals)
- Web development, website building
- Web Design (HTML, CSS, JS, front-end)
- Design (UI/UX, typography)
- Blogging, content creation, journalism
- Marketing, branding, strategy
- Something new, that we do not know about yet